Saturday, January 18, 2020

Can passion change? Confusion sets in!

                                         Can passion change? Confusion sets in!

This is the big question that is bothering me now a days. Can passion change? More troubling is that I have failed to drop my old passions to give way to new ones. In fact there is addition of new passions, and the old ones refuse to die, which means the bag is overflowing now. In fact the real question is how many passions one can handle at one time? Another pertinent question is if what I consider to be passion is truly passion or perforce I passionately get indulged on a subject which is actually part of the assigned duty. Perhaps, I am mistaking my duty for my passion.

Let me be more specific.

In the beginning, I was passionate about the concept of community policing, though I question the very concept in the present form. I always consider it to be an initiative instead of accepting it as a new style of policing. This tenet is based on the fact that policing in itself is community policing, as police's existence is- in, with, for the community. Hence to my understanding rechristening policing as community policing is not required. Certainly I think that by discussing more and writing a bit would help me contribute my share in better policing, acceptable to the community. It is from this logic that my passion flows.

Suddenly, I was exposed to a new subject called human trafficking. A simple introduction turned to be my biggest passion. I totally submerged myself in researching on the subject and realized how limited was our understanding. How the definition and action is governed by convenience of some powerful groups. The more I read, experienced and explored the field, through interaction in person as well as virtually, I realized that there is lot to be done. I must have been teased scores of time for losing sense of time, words and emotions when it came to discussing human trafficking. I have been strongly advocating to the champions in this field to revisit the definition of human trafficking and make it more comprehensive to address various other dimensions of human trafficking which is not covered in current UN Palermo protocol definition or definition given in IPC or adopted in trafficking bill.  The same passion still continues, and given an opportunity still I can go on and on and on on the subject. To have a think tank organization on human trafficking is my dream.

When on deputation, during one of the assignments, I landed up working with Youth. I realized how vulnerable are youth of this country. The demographic dividend that we boast of can become a baggage or burden if their energy is not constructively channelized. The mental health issue of youth is a concern, which unfortunately no one intends to talk about. Youth of the current generation is living in a virtual world, and his/her real world is totally eclipsed by their exposure to what is fed virtually, mostly through social media or other virtual medium. Most of the youth in the community tend to overrate their aspiration and desire, which doesn't match with their actual potential leading to huge gap in expectation and achievement. This is causing frustration and anguish, which is resulting into mental health issues. Aggression, depression, disinterest, non-focus, non-commitment etc are corollary to the mental issues. I got very serious on the subject of Youth development and wanted to redefine volunteerism in this country, so that Youth are brought close to reality. 'Know your community by being with them and through them know yourself' is what I advocate. That will help one gauge their realistic capacity by enhancing their emotional quotient through experience quotient. I must have spoken in scores of forums on the subject and pitched at all levels my idea to redesign the approach towards youth development. That passion too hasn't waned yet.

I thought my kitty was full and juggling with these subjects, going to different forums to speak and learn, was putting to test my wits. As luck would have it, I landed up taking up new assignment, which deals with subjects of Social Defence including Drugs, Senior citizens, Transgender and Beggary. All subjects are of equal importance and directly relate to self dignity, quality of life and survival issues. These subjects are becoming my new passion. Amongst all, the subject of transgender has caught my maximum attention. The trauma that a TG is subjected to since childhood and never ending survival challenges they face is shame to other community members. What moved me most was a statement of a transgender- 'We are visibly invisible'. How true it was. They exist everyone know, but when it comes to addressing their problems everyone is in denial mode. Exploitation within and out of the community is prevalent and it sustains because most fail to acknowledge their existence.

After much introspection I find that some of the issues which I passionately work on were never professionally assigned to me, for example human trafficking. Similarly, I am attached and working on some subjects with same fervor and sincerity despite having left the official assignments for years now. If these issues still pains me, triggers anxiety and touches conscience, and I wait to grab opportunity to contribute when and wherever possible then certainly the passion is alive. So, I have come to conclusion that I am living with multiple passions.

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