Friday, March 20, 2020

Morning walk- a compulsory chore affected

Morning walk is addictive, I would realize it when Delhi Smog would force us to stay home. Body would get lazy, lethargy would creep in into every spectrum of daily activities. The withdrawal symptoms would manifest loud and clear.

And, now this COVID-19 is forcing the addicts to stay home. What an irony! When Corona has pushed the vehicles out of roads, which Delhi government desperately desired, and the pollution level has improved beyond tolerance (as for Delhites impure air is normal), and one can run or walk extra miles for lungs are left empty because of lack of char blocking alveolar, the air sacs in lungs, COVID is coercing everyone to stay home. Smog vs purer COVID air? situation remains same. Self Quarantine is the best solution.

So, again that lethargy is sinking in. This compulsory daily morning chore, which kicks off the day on a positive note is missed. Morning walk is not just a physical exercise. It is mental relaxation too. For me, who is a compulsive greeter to all walking mates, if not all, then preferably to the senior citizens, a smile on my face and on others was just heartening. I remember, whenever I start wishing morning a senior citizen or senior couple with earphones plugged to my ears, they think I am on  a call. It took them couple of days to realize that those greetings were to them. And, then after every day I would receive those greetings from them, if at all I failed due to absent mindedness. I have today around 10-12 senior citizens who are on my greeting list. Honestly, I scarcely know any of them, except for the fact that we share a common walking track in the community park.

Few days back, I came across a senior lady in close to seventies, short height, thin, wrinkled face, little gloomy eyes and single walker in salwaar kurta. First round I just saw her pass. She looked straight on the track and avoided eye contact. Felt it was deliberate, and normal, as any normal person would do (certainly, I feel to be abnormal, because hardly anyone did what I do. Hence, by theory of rarity I am abnormal). Seldom she came to the park, or perhaps we had different routine. In the second round I wished her 'Namaskaar'. She glanced and seeing me wearing huge headphones looked back on track. The same confusion, if I was over phone or my greet was guided towards her. When we crossed again I smiled and she smiled back. And then after she passed broad, ear to ear smile, every time we crossed. Those wrinkles faded, eyes shined and her steps became so lively. And, for me it was another walking mate made friend. This morning bliss of unknown company, and perforce wearing of smile is routine.

The best part is when either me or my wife go missing. Then the spouse present in park is bombarded with queries about the other spouses absence. And, this concern is not just from older mates but youngsters too get bothered. The best part being none of us know who we are except that young old 70+ years environment crusader who greets on behalf of all defence forces 'teeno senaon ki tukdi aapke salaami ke liye tayaar hai shreeman'. He could be recruited in CDS office, as CDS is the head of all Defence forces of the country. This is the magic of our morning walk.

CORONA you are not merely eating into my calorie burning out space but also keeping me away from those beautiful smiles, perhaps which carry hidden blessings.